Références Scientifiques Consultez la littérature scientifique qui soutient nos cibles moléculaires et notre approche létale synthétique. avril 2024 Loss of the DNA Repair Gene RNase H2 Identifies a Unique Subset of DDR-Deficient Leiomyosarcomas Michael S. Nakazawa, Ian M. Silverman, Victoria Rimkunas, Et Al. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics avril 2024 Post-therapy emergence of an NBN reversion mutation in a patient with pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma Meredith S. Pelster, Ian M. Silverman, Joseph D. Schonhoft, Et Al. npj Precision Oncology janvier 2024 Detection and characterization of DDR reversion alterations in baseline tissue and plasma samples from patients enrolled in the TRESR and ATTACC Phase I clinical trials Ian M. Silverman, Joseph D. Schonhoft, et al. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: DNA Damage Repair janvier 2024 Identification of monoallelic ATM loss-of-function and homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) in high-grade ovarian tumor with prolonged response to camonsertib and low-dose gemcitabine combination therapy Stephanie Lheureux, Joseph D. Schonhoft, et al. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: DNA Damage Repair janvier 2024 Exceptional response to the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related inhibitor (ATRi), camonsertib, in a patient with alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT)-positive metastatic melanoma Timothy A. Yap, Ian M. Silverman, et al. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: DNA Damage Repair octobre 2023 KRAS alterations combined with TP53 mutations as novel synthetic lethal genomic lesions for PKMYT1 inhibition Marc L. Hyer, Jimmy Fourtounis, Et Al. AACR-NCI-EORTC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR TARGETS AND CANCER THERAPEUTICS octobre 2023 Camonsertib (RP-3500), an ataxia telangiectasia- and Rad3-related kinase inhibitor (ATRi) in combination with low dose gemcitabine (gem) in patients with solid tumors with DNA damage response (DDR) aberrations: Preclinical and Phase 1b results (NCT04497116) Ezra Rosen, Timothy A. Yap, Et Al. AACR-NCI-EORTC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR TARGETS AND CANCER THERAPEUTICS octobre 2023 MYTHIC: First-in-human (FIH) biomarker-driven phase I trial of first-in-class PKMYT1 inhibitor lunresertib (lunre) alone and with ATR inhibitor camonsertib (cam) in solid tumors with CCNE1 amplification or deleterious alterations in FBXW7 or PPP2R1 Timothy A. Yap, Alison Schram, Et Al. AACR-NCI-EORTC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR TARGETS AND CANCER THERAPEUTICS octobre 2023 Retrospective baseline biomarker analyses in a first-in-human Phase 1 trial of the PKMYT1 inhibitor lunresertib (RP-6306) in pts with advanced solid tumors harboring CCNE1 amplification and/or deleterious alterations in FBXW7 or PPP2R1 Elia Aguado-Fraile, Sunantha Sethuraman, Et Al. AACR-NCI-EORTC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR TARGETS AND CANCER THERAPEUTICS octobre 2023 Preclinical development of PKMYT1 and ATR inhibitor combinations David Gallo, Marc L. Hyer, Et Al. AACR-NCI-EORTC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR TARGETS AND CANCER THERAPEUTICS 12345 Notre pipeline comprend plusieurs programmes de développement. Voir Notre Pipeline